Tuesday, June 24

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Place : Ircam / ESPRO

9:00 am     Welcome

9:30 am - Introduction – H. Vinet, O. Warusfel


9:55 am - Keynote 1, Tuesday morning

Marc Leman : « Embodied music cognition, is it relevant to sound design? »

11:00 am - Paper Session  Sound Design Tools

chairman : Dik J. Hermes

11:00 am Time-domain analysis / synthesis of the excitation signal in a source/filter model of contact sounds
Mathieu Lagrange, Gary Scavone, Philippe Depalle
11:25 am AudioPlusWidgets: Bringing Sound to Software Widgets and Interface Components
Benjamin K. Davison, Bruce N. Walker
11:50 am Visualising the soundfield and sounscape: extending MacCaulay and Crerar’s 1998 method
Iain McGregor, Alison Crerar, David Benyon, Grégory Leplâtre


12:15 am lunch

2:00 pm - Paper Session: Interaction

chairwoman : Karmen Franinovic
2:00 pm The effect of spatialization in a data sonification exploration task
Brian FG Katz, Emmanuel Rio, Lorenzo Picinali, Olivier Warusfel
2:25 pm Could function-specific prosodic cues be used as a basis for non-speech user interface sound design
Kai Tuuri, Tuomas Eerola
2:50 pm Kernel regression mapping for vocal EEG sonification
Thomas Hermann and Gerold Baier and Ulrich Stephani and Helge Ritter


3:15 pm coffee break

3:30 pm - Workshop I conclusion

Recycling Auditory Display

Christopher Frauenberger, Stephen Barrass

4:00 pm – 6:30 pm - Poster Session

chairman : Matti Gröhn
Internet-based interactive auditory virtual environment generators
Christian Borss, Andreas Silzle, Rainer Martin
Sonification of bowing features for string instrument training
Oliver Larkin, Thijs Koerselman, Bee Ong, Kia Ng
Using web services to foster global collaboration in sound design
James A. Ballas, Justin Nevitt
Sonic explorations with earthquake data
Manuela Meier, Anna Saranti
Understanding aural fluency in auditory display design for ambient intelligent environments

Milena Droumeva, Ron Wakkary
Evaluation of user habits for creating auditory representations of different software applications for blind persons

György Wersényi
Design of a sonar system for visually impaired humans
Cameron Morland, David Mountain
Rhetorical schemes for audio communication

Pietro Polotti, Carlo Benzi
Localization of virtual sound created using individualized and non-individualized HRTF for direct and reflected sound
Ryouichi Nishimura, Hiroaki Kato
Toward HRTF personalization: an auditory-perceptual evaluation of simulated and measured HRTFs
Parham Mokhtari, Ryouichi Nishimura, Hironori Takemoto
On the use of sound for representing geometrical information of virtual objects

Simon Shelley, Miguel Alonso, Dik Hermes, Armin Kohlrausch
Real-time sonification of physiological data in an artistic performance context

Loic Kessous, Christian Jacquemin, Jean-Julien Filatriau

+ Posters from Graduate Student ThinkTank
Therapeutic Movement Sonification for Children with Cerebral Palsy
Luke Dahl
Adaptation filters for bone-conduction and their effect on virtual 3D audio fidelity
Raymond Stanley
Advanced Auditory Menus
Pavani Yalla
Model-based synthesis of everyday sounds for interactive sonification
Stefano Papetti
Programming Considerations Related to Auditory Interface Adoption
Benjamin Davison
Internal Representations of Information in Auditory Displays
Michael Nees
Sound spatialization and learning
Guillaume Andéol
Sonification methods for scientific data analysis and experimental control
Florian Grond
The Formation of Cognitive Maps of the World Based on Auditory Displays
Jeff Lindsay
Design of a Sonar System for Visually Impaired Humans
Cameron Morland
Push and Pull Paradigms for Auditory Menu Design
Jeffrey Wilson
Sound Design for Interactive Commodities
Daniel Hug


8:00 pm - Concerts

details here

Concert Melancholia (Opera Garnier) or John Zorn (Cite de la Musique)
ticket given with your ICAD badge



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